Almanzo’s Milk and Popcorn


An experiment with popcorn? mmm…IMG_0367

“Almanzo looked at every kernel before he ate it. They were all different shapes. He had eaten thousands of handfuls of popcorn and never found two kernels alike. Then he thought that if he had some milk, he would have popcorn and milk.”


“You can fill a glass full to the brim with milk, and fill another glass of the same size brim full of popcorn, and then you can put all the popcorn kernel by kernel into the milk, and the milk will not run over. You cannot do this with bread. Popcorn and milk are the only two things that will go into the same place” (Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder).


Would it work like Almanzo said?


My favorite kind of experiment: spur-of-the-moment, simple preparation, uses household items, quick results…oh and popcorn!IMG_0373

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